Three can be a magical number. Three. Three friends, three stories, three languages, three different places. And imaginary three can be equal to one.

A story, a travel, a common experience.

The three of them reunite, like every afternoon, to play at the square.

Is there anything better? Suddenly a windy and stormy wind appears and takes with it whatever it passes on its way: It takes the thread, the balloon, the comet, the dog’s bark. A swirl drags them to another space, to a wonderland. Each of them will live an unique experience in a magical world and will share with the rest. Beginning and end meet each other, like them, in the same place. It’s fantastic, they always make new friends, learn new things, have fun. The wind took the words with it too and brought colour, rhythm, surprise and humour in return.


Eguzki papel


  • Choreography and idea: Eguzki Zubia, Bego Krego
  • Direction: Bernabé Tebar
  • Performers: Silvia Clemente/María Martín, Bego Krego, Eguzki Zubia
  • Original music: Nick Burge
  • Costumes: Mayda Zabala
  • Set design and efects: Eletiope, s.l.
  • light design: Oscar Grijalba
  • Graphic design and poster: Itziar Barrio
  • Production: Aurora Grijalba
